Rae’s love of art and textiles has been a life long interest, from sewing her first garment at eight years of age to designing and making her own wedding dress, there has always been a connection with textiles and design.
She has studied photography, life drawing, painting, interior design, ceramics, graphic design and Fine Arts at University.
Rae discovered felting seventeen years ago and since then has experimented and researched felt making, exploring new and different techniques and textural directions.
She prefers working with natural products such as fine merino wool, alpaca and silk and is on a constant quest to find beautiful and unique yarns to use as embellishments in her artworks.
“Everyone has a guilty pleasure – mine is possessing beautiful yarns. I must have them like some people must have shoes!”
Rae lives Cooranbong, Lake Macquarie District north of Sydney, Australia and her art studio backs onto a natural bushland reserve and pond. She admits to spending too much time on her studio verandah, drinking tea, planning her next artwork and enjoying her surroundings.
Rae has exhibited her work through solo and group exhibitions in galleries through out Australia. Her artworks are held in collections throughout Australia and Internationally.
Rae has featured in Season 4, Ep 4 of the international arts television program:- "Put Some Colour in You Life" and has created commissioned works for large corporate businesses.